The 96th Academy Awards, more commonly known as the Oscars, are scheduled for March 10 and are set to be hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. This year ten films are up for the most coveted award of Best Picture. They...
The WSMA (Wisconsin School Music Association) District Solo and Ensemble Festival is coming up March 2, 2024, and students are wrapping up the final touches on their pieces. Solo and Ensemble is an annual...
Wednesday, February 28, is the last day to pre-order the 2024 Cardinal Yearbook. To order visit the Josten's Website.
If you have any questions, see the "Yearbook" section of this website.
The Super Bowl is the largest American sporting event and that reputation is marketable. Brands will go all in to buy a commercial slot during the broadcast. It gives the marketing team a chance to put...
Things like indoor skydiving, archery, ziplining, learning how to survive in the wilderness and outdoor rock climbing all sound too adventurous and even unachievable for most people. Not for students in...
Don’t know what to watch on Valentine’s Day? You want to watch a romantic movie, but you don’t know which one? Here are some favorites and what people think about them!
Noah Vander Grinten
You may think you’re not on the creative side or maybe you lack organization skills, but you should know that most people that have joined yearbook felt the same way. It's safe to say that you wouldn’t...
This first issue of the year takes a look at new teachers, class offerings, the winter play, theater renovations, sports accomplishments, Valentine's Day ideas, upcoming world festivals and more! It also...